Thursday, October 15, 2009


I'm so, so excited to see these four on the 29th of this here October.
Even though their second LP, "Armistice", felt a little lackluster, I know them live will more than make up for it.
Oh! I can't wait!

Go check out when they're coming to a venue near you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

$14,000 worth of Education.

I'm into my second week of life here in beautiful Denton, TX at the University of North Texas. It's marvelous with a capital 'M'.

I seriously love it here; the town, massive music scene, friends old and new. Excellent.

So here's my shameless plug: go to UNT.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Resistance a la Queen

"You and me are the same
We don't know or care who's to blame
But we know that whoever holds the reins
Nothing will change
Our cause has gone insane"

Caught in a bind of sorts. There are a whole slew of bands coming out with new albums this fall that I'm stoked about (MuteMath, David Crowder* Band, Pilotdrift), but one in particular is of course the legendary Muse. Their new album, "The Resistance", has got me all atwitter. However, in true Muse-fashion they of course have apparently rolled out the gamut on political commentary.

"And these wars, they can't be won
And these wars, they can't be won
And do you want them to go on
And on and on
Why split these states
When there can be only one?"

The problem here is, I both agree with what Mr. Bellamy is imparting and at the same time am very, very scared at the same time. Their most recent tour and subsequent track title, "The United States of Eurasia", holds much more than the what's-in-a-name cool factor.

"And must we do as we're told?
Must we do as we're told?"

So here I go: Though I agree that the wars our country has caught themselves in are looking to be a bit hopeless, I do think that a quick withdrawal would be drastically foolish.

"You and me fall in line
To be punished for unproven crimes!
And we know that there is no one we can trust;
Our ancient heroes, they are turning to dust!"

I pray that God's plan for our country does not involve a violent future with say North Korea, but sometimes, I fear the end is nigh.

"And these wars, they can't be won
Does anyone know or care how they begun?
They just promise to go on
And on and on
But soon we will see
There can be only one"

But the other thing I fear is a one world government which seems to be the central focus to this song.

"United States!
United States!

... sia!
... sia!
... sia!

... sia!
... sia!
... sia!

... sia!
... sia!
... sia!"

I don't know, really. You make you're own assumptions if you'd like. But on a better note, the music is of course incredible and adherently Queen-ish via "Bohemian Rhapsody". Plus Bellamy has promised this album to be very orchestral with a three song suite as a closer, something that excites me to no end.

Now, Check out the song and make up your own mind!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

the prettiest whistles won't wrestle the thistles undone

So apparently:
When an individual wins 8 Olympic Gold Medals in a single outing, the natural reaction of course is to get caught with crack, and then join strategic marketing forces with a smug "used-to-be-fat" guy to promote sandwiches. Awe-some.

Been watching the show, "30 Days", on FX for about twenty minutes now. Today's job to highlight is West Virginian coal mining.


I mean, I thought I knew. But not entirely. And these people aren't ignorant. They what they do for the country; literally, powering half of America. They also know what they do to the environment; quickly destroying it, especially with mountain top blasting. Some even go as far as to be active in getting their companies to help push for alternative energies, thus putting them out of work. They know what they do to themselves; possible cave-ins, explosions, etc. at any moment AND the near absolute that the dust in the mines will develop a disease that will kill them. They also know what they do for their families; a guaranteed $60,000/year pay.

So much respect has been made in so little time.

Hayden Panettiere is a hottie. And so quickly, so many of you have lost respect for me.

...why has it been changed to "Syfy" !?!

Anime on Adult Swim is lame.

Out of all the "come-to-this-state-and-enjoy-yourself" ads, Oregon's is the worst. Sorry Redwoods, no tourist boosts for you this year.

Is that Cuz-cake?

Poor little kid with the big ears and the striped shirt you'll never be quiet enough.

It's perfect, beautiful, pretty skin. +7 Incoherency.

Glenn Close doesn't really make that good of a Vice-President. Harrison Ford, however, well...amazing President.

A one, Randy Orten, was probably born with a blank, vacant, rather dazed expression.

Huckabee, love ya to death, but your show is boring.

There's someone actually out there who named their daughter Jamaica?! And she's white?!

Don't stand in the way of Brian Shaw. You just can't mess with 49.69 seconds, man.

Who's ready for some All-Star game?

Tonight's CNBC industry spotlight: Porn.

Trust me on this: the hair-dryer, blow-dryer, curling iron...

I like what my friend Kelly Carr says: there's nothing divisive or offending on the Weather Channel.

Hi. I'm A.J. Hammer, and celebrity deaths are the best thing that ever happened to me.

I wouldn't want to be a member of the Valley Swim Club right now.

Combustion chambers!

Why does BookTV always have a delay to it?

C-SPAN pulls off the black sheet background just, oh so well. Aha.

I want a thermal camera.

If you don't see it on our lot, we'll find it for you.

Scrolling black bar.

Apparently hotels run music channels when it comes to the local "late-teen" channels. Better not tell my boss.

Yes, kids. Run to the luxury hotel with your guns drawn.

Nothing says father-son relationships like the O.C.C.

More scrolling black bars To the laft now, ya'll.

This is the first time that they're presenting item K-21681 with free shipping!!

Check your pixels.

Children have nothing to do between us and the Israelis.

I saw that last night, and said to myself, um, not sure if that's for me.

OMG. Hanging dead feet + foreplay + obscurely poor audio such that you can't know what's going on + animated chameleons = excellent entertainment. Maximum LOLZ. Ugh.

I only hope that one day you reveal unto the world who actually shot John F. Kenn- alright now.

How uh, how's your mother? / She's dead. Feisty little Nicolas Cage.

The world is so gray with a bagpipes soundtrack on KTBS 3.

Since when is TV Guide Network more interseting than half of what it's listing!?

Silly Tony Alamo.

Friday, June 26, 2009

the mid summer update.

Too long have I neglected thee my sweet beholden treasure to be seen amongst the nations! No more! No more.

There was a fire in our kitchen via the stove. Not exactly sure how it happened; might have been a short. It was a really old stove after all. So Michael was the only one home, asleep, in his room. He apparently was conked out for he ignored the fire alarm and breathed in smoke for about five minutes. He then had to proceed out his second floor window with the help of the neighbors.

So, structurally only the kitchen has seen the worst of things. However, smoke damage is a mother and absolutely everything had to go. Oh! Except for the den and basement! The computers were safe! Go to the restoration people that is too, not like, had to be thrown away.

I just hope my organ gets some good treatment.

Thus, insurance has us cooped up in a really nice hotel for the last few weeks. It's awesome, its staff is awesome, and they even feed the entire guest list on Wednesdays. Pretty cool. I keep telling myself that this is my vacation for the summer/preparation for dorm life. Though, these mini-apartment suites are probably a little more lavish then even my beloved Mozart Square Rm. 309 that I can't wait to get settled into.

Now! I've beholden an interesting aspect of the hotel's wired network last night. There's no security whatsoever. Like any LAN network, I can see any guests' computers that are connected. And many of these aren't protected by anything and the capability of like walking into their hard drives and seeing whats what is astounding. I hate to admit it, but I was so bewildered by this capability, that I found out loads about one particular guest. Even more than I should ever know, such as his name, occupation, family members, bank account numbers, even his social security number!!! Scary. I could even see his pictures, thus giving me an inside look into his family and such. I really know how violating of a thing I did, but I couldn't stop! I feel ashamed. Sigh.

Alright. Enough for now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What lies in the shadow of the statue?

Ille qui nos omnes servabit. - “He who will protect/save us all."

Richard is my fav.

Monday, April 20, 2009

For You :: Parachutes B-Sides

So Kelly Carr and I are here in the office, all up on our spiffy MacBook Pros, looking very "coo" if I may say so myself.

We were working on the upcoming 'Drift show-it's coming, promise-when I realized I got a little emergency project for a mutual client to get done before morning. Emergency projects for me usually translate to "CAN YOU PUT THIS TO DVD!?!" And THIS usually is some defunct recording format. Such as miniVHS. Naw, not miniDV. MiniVHS. We're talking 90s prime. Haha.

Kelly is very good at enlightening one towards some good tunes. I'm thoroughly enjoying everything he's playing in iTunes right now.

Speaking of iTunes, I'm totally trying to go for that "Billionth App Download" contest grand prize. Which is of course a new, fully-loaded MacBook Pro, 16GB iPod Touch, $10,000 iTunes Gift Card, and a Time Capsule. Now, true, I do own three of the four prizes listed above, but I would totally sell the extra iPod, give my current laptop to either dad or Michael, keep the Time Capsule for back-up next year at UNT, and well, you know what the ten grand would go to. Lots and lots of indie music.

I'll make my way to Denton for the second time as of late. Got orientation at UNT on the first of next month. Oh man, get this. This is my itinerary for that weekend:

Friday, May 1 :: Leave for Denton around 6AM or so, go through orientation, and get back home around 10 if not 11PM.

Saturday, May 2 :: Get ready, dressed, and prepared for the first performance of Mozart's "Requiem" downtown at First UMC. Total time there will be about 4 hours. Then I'll stay in my tux, make a few colorful changes, and then accompany my lovely Kimberly to her Senior Prom.

*In between Saturday and Sunday, Kim will turn 18! How cool is that? Turning 18 during prom?*

Sunday, May 3 :: The celebration of my Kim's B-Day commences as we transfer to a different location for Texas High's after-prom party, "Project Celebration". Fun stuff. Will be doing that shindig through at least 4 in the morning. Then we'll catch a few Zzz's before dressing back up and heading down to Shreveport for the second performance of "Requeim" at St. John Berchman's Catholic Church. Afterwards, we'll just stay in the ol' Shrevey and I'll be taking Kim out somewhere nice for dinner. Get back from all of that probably somewhere around midnight.

But all is well though depsite the craziness for I'll be rolling around in my new '05 Honda Element. i super-duperly love that thing of which Kim has dubbed Vigo. It's uber rad.

So yeah.......CUHRAZEE things happening in the stock markets these days.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Too good to pass up.

Since half of my known life has been around church TV production, this is simply amazing.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

2 pairs of glasses, a cell phone, and an iPod Touch.

So Kim and I are just chilling here, and I thought it would be a good time to write another post. . .

I hate if when the little fuzz that permeates my household clings to my MacBook Pro. Arg! Avast ye micro-filth! An garde!

I'm trying to spark excitement for the new Pilotdrift album by building some hype on the #1 entertainment blog in town, Check it out, holmes.

I really, really am enjoying my music composition class as of late. In fact, I think I'll leave ya'll with a pic of something I've been working on.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So what are you going to have? / The Halibut. / Oh! I didn't see that.

Going to see Watchmen in a few hours with some college friends and my voice teacher. Fun stuff.

At present however, I'm watching the season finale of Burn Notice. Also fu n stu ff.

Speaking of finales! I bought Finale 2009 for my new MacBook Pro for only $150! The full Finale for only Un Fiddy! More f un st uf f!

Ah! French! I like singing French, but it's pretty hard. The Debussy I'm studying for performance is great though. Ah, f u n s t uf f.

Debussy! Composers! I'm composing! That by far is my favorite class this semester. It is such fu-

well, you know.

Monday, February 16, 2009

i am a leaky faucet

My Valentine's Day spent with Kimberly was amazing, and I thank her so much for making it so.
I am however disappointed to hear about a recent breakup between two of my good friends. So sad.

My new MacBook Pro is amazing. Now, if only my boss would realize that it is vastly superior to the Windows SpeedEdit machines we have at the station and that it is not a sin for me to want to produce better content on it while during normal operations hours. I think maybe he is afraid of anything that isn't his or that if anything were to happen to it while there, that his insurance would have to cover it. No! That's what my protection plan from Apple is for!

It's much later than I intended upon being up tonight. Right now, I could use all the sleep I can get.

I probably just spent an hour if not a little more on my first quiz (that I now find out won't even count for much) in my online World Geography class. I seriously put some thought into those short answer questions.

I have made statements on here before referring to my reverence of the productions of ESPN. I digress slightly after absent-mindly hearing SportsCenter rerun for the third straight hour after the Texas/Texas A&M game. Oy.

I'm looking around the office for any more spontaneous inspiration to be recorded through this medium, but none are popping with the indelible Zing! of note-worthiness. Haha.

OK, bye.

Friday, January 30, 2009

a nightmare for people like you

New TV, films, and music that I am greatly anticipating:
The Watchman
The rest of LOST
Pilotdrift: ...AHIF (it's coming. I swear. no really.)
The new Mute Math album (though they need to lose the extra baggage (seven guys? really? ya'll were great as a four-piece)
Star Trek
Addison Road! Glad to hear ya'll are in the studio!
Important Things with Demetri Martin
Speaking of which, bring on The Conchords!
Michael told me the other day that Muse has something new coming...ooh...

I'm in an Austin hotel room and happen to find myself watching Charlie Rose on PBS. It's interesting. He and his guests are discussing at present how "snarks" have found their perfect voice on the Internet. Now the conversation has evolved towards privacy on the Internet and whether or not legislation will like arise in the next few years governing rights to privacy on things like blogs, Facebook and Myspace, etc.

I'm regards to this, I believe that the Internet will become kind of like a make-shift social Nazi conformity system. What I mean is that I don't believe sufficient law will ever control the Web and people will soon realize that absolutely anything they ever do can and may end up online, whether written, in photos, audio, or video. This will effect their futures when employers are researching their prospective employees, online daters do the same, and the like.

And it's not like you can ever truly erase things on the Internet; once it is there, there will always be a file of it somewhere.

I think society will slowly grasp that anyone in any situaion can and will be found out. Granted, some out there simply will not care and will do as try please, regardless of the transparency, but then again there will be those who will really try to make themselves look good in every form of media.

There you go folks, my opinion of Internet transparency.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

25 minutes of separation.

I found myself on Google Maps' Street view!

I remember seeing their odd-looking-universal-view-camera-mobile in downtown Texarkana one day, and I finally tumbled upon myself in my car.

Anyway, go to street view in Texarkana, go downtown past the federal post office builing and next to the big CapitalOne building, I'll be right there in my little whit Pontiac Gran Prix.


This goes out to you Brittany.

Thank you. 

Just watched the glorious season 5 premiere of LOST with some buds and their wives. It was marvelous.

I'm kind of worried about some finances over the weekend. That silly ol' boss had to skip town for the inauguration and I won't be paid til at least Sunday. Darn school books!





Monday, January 19, 2009

Ben intrigues me so.

I love LOST. 

I can't help it. It's so good. 

I'm in a mad dash to be caught up before Wednesday however when the new season airs.

I just finished Episode 5 of Season 4, "The Constant".

I'm starting to get bored though with Kate, Jack, and Sawyer. Athough, if you want an interesting tidbit, the actor who plays Sawyer graduated from Cherokee High School in Canton, Georgia. Ten minutes away from where I grew up in Woodstock. Super rad.

I need sleep. 


Thursday, January 15, 2009

19 Hours?

I had a chance to catch up with Alex for the first time since my father got the boot. It was good.

Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. That's what I'm trying to lose. No its not a New Year's thing. never done that before, but Kimberly and i will be working together to reshape ourselves. Hear me world: today I'm 230. In six weeks, I want under 200. A few more and then I seek 175. Muhahahaha.

School will starting back on Inauguration Day.  Weird.

I need to wash clothes. Tata.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

3:27:36;22 AM

I didn't fully grasp that it was the new year until I looked up at the top of my Mac and clicked the little time. oh.