New TV, films, and music that I am greatly anticipating:
The Watchman
The rest of LOST
Pilotdrift: ...AHIF (it's coming. I swear. no really.)
The new Mute Math album (though they need to lose the extra baggage (seven guys? really? ya'll were great as a four-piece)
Star Trek
Addison Road! Glad to hear ya'll are in the studio!
Important Things with Demetri Martin
Speaking of which, bring on The Conchords!
Michael told me the other day that Muse has something new coming...ooh...
I'm in an Austin hotel room and happen to find myself watching Charlie Rose on PBS. It's interesting. He and his guests are discussing at present how "snarks" have found their perfect voice on the Internet. Now the conversation has evolved towards privacy on the Internet and whether or not legislation will like arise in the next few years governing rights to privacy on things like blogs, Facebook and Myspace, etc.
I'm regards to this, I believe that the Internet will become kind of like a make-shift social Nazi conformity system. What I mean is that I don't believe sufficient law will ever control the Web and people will soon realize that absolutely anything they ever do can and may end up online, whether written, in photos, audio, or video. This will effect their futures when employers are researching their prospective employees, online daters do the same, and the like.
And it's not like you can ever truly erase things on the Internet; once it is there, there will always be a file of it somewhere.
I think society will slowly grasp that anyone in any situaion can and will be found out. Granted, some out there simply will not care and will do as try please, regardless of the transparency, but then again there will be those who will really try to make themselves look good in every form of media.
There you go folks, my opinion of Internet transparency.
The Seldom Seen Kid
16 years ago