I am however disappointed to hear about a recent breakup between two of my good friends. So sad.
My new MacBook Pro is amazing. Now, if only my boss would realize that it is vastly superior to the Windows SpeedEdit machines we have at the station and that it is not a sin for me to want to produce better content on it while during normal operations hours. I think maybe he is afraid of anything that isn't his or that if anything were to happen to it while there, that his insurance would have to cover it. No! That's what my protection plan from Apple is for!
It's much later than I intended upon being up tonight. Right now, I could use all the sleep I can get.
I probably just spent an hour if not a little more on my first quiz (that I now find out won't even count for much) in my online World Geography class. I seriously put some thought into those short answer questions.
I have made statements on here before referring to my reverence of the productions of ESPN. I digress slightly after absent-mindly hearing SportsCenter rerun for the third straight hour after the Texas/Texas A&M game. Oy.
I'm looking around the office for any more spontaneous inspiration to be recorded through this medium, but none are popping with the indelible Zing! of note-worthiness. Haha.
OK, bye.