Sunday, March 22, 2009

Too good to pass up.

Since half of my known life has been around church TV production, this is simply amazing.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

2 pairs of glasses, a cell phone, and an iPod Touch.

So Kim and I are just chilling here, and I thought it would be a good time to write another post. . .

I hate if when the little fuzz that permeates my household clings to my MacBook Pro. Arg! Avast ye micro-filth! An garde!

I'm trying to spark excitement for the new Pilotdrift album by building some hype on the #1 entertainment blog in town, Check it out, holmes.

I really, really am enjoying my music composition class as of late. In fact, I think I'll leave ya'll with a pic of something I've been working on.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So what are you going to have? / The Halibut. / Oh! I didn't see that.

Going to see Watchmen in a few hours with some college friends and my voice teacher. Fun stuff.

At present however, I'm watching the season finale of Burn Notice. Also fu n stu ff.

Speaking of finales! I bought Finale 2009 for my new MacBook Pro for only $150! The full Finale for only Un Fiddy! More f un st uf f!

Ah! French! I like singing French, but it's pretty hard. The Debussy I'm studying for performance is great though. Ah, f u n s t uf f.

Debussy! Composers! I'm composing! That by far is my favorite class this semester. It is such fu-

well, you know.