Monday, August 3, 2009

The Resistance a la Queen

"You and me are the same
We don't know or care who's to blame
But we know that whoever holds the reins
Nothing will change
Our cause has gone insane"

Caught in a bind of sorts. There are a whole slew of bands coming out with new albums this fall that I'm stoked about (MuteMath, David Crowder* Band, Pilotdrift), but one in particular is of course the legendary Muse. Their new album, "The Resistance", has got me all atwitter. However, in true Muse-fashion they of course have apparently rolled out the gamut on political commentary.

"And these wars, they can't be won
And these wars, they can't be won
And do you want them to go on
And on and on
Why split these states
When there can be only one?"

The problem here is, I both agree with what Mr. Bellamy is imparting and at the same time am very, very scared at the same time. Their most recent tour and subsequent track title, "The United States of Eurasia", holds much more than the what's-in-a-name cool factor.

"And must we do as we're told?
Must we do as we're told?"

So here I go: Though I agree that the wars our country has caught themselves in are looking to be a bit hopeless, I do think that a quick withdrawal would be drastically foolish.

"You and me fall in line
To be punished for unproven crimes!
And we know that there is no one we can trust;
Our ancient heroes, they are turning to dust!"

I pray that God's plan for our country does not involve a violent future with say North Korea, but sometimes, I fear the end is nigh.

"And these wars, they can't be won
Does anyone know or care how they begun?
They just promise to go on
And on and on
But soon we will see
There can be only one"

But the other thing I fear is a one world government which seems to be the central focus to this song.

"United States!
United States!

... sia!
... sia!
... sia!

... sia!
... sia!
... sia!

... sia!
... sia!
... sia!"

I don't know, really. You make you're own assumptions if you'd like. But on a better note, the music is of course incredible and adherently Queen-ish via "Bohemian Rhapsody". Plus Bellamy has promised this album to be very orchestral with a three song suite as a closer, something that excites me to no end.

Now, Check out the song and make up your own mind!

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